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We Have Buyers

Here is why more people choose Travelhome to cash out of their RV now, or sell on consignment:

  1. Incredible exposure 7 days a week at our dealership, which is conveniently located off Highway 1
  2. Interior and exterior detailing
  3. Free listings on our website, Craigslist and Kijiji and at our RV shows
  4. Bank financing for qualified buyers, free transfer of titles and full clearance of liens
  5. Protection from buyer charge-backs and privacy protection from the public
  6. Warranties from Travelhome (at no expense to you)
  7. Protection on all sales and funding made in trust in accordance with the Vehicle Sales Authority
  8. Fully certified sales team, licensed and professionally trained to handle the entire process
  9. Cash out once your RV is sold, or cash out now with our Guaranteed Purchase Price Program
  10. Free on-site appraisals*